Lesson Four

Lesson Four

Crup and Unicorn



Ministry of Magic Classification XXX

A Crup is a wizard-bred dog that strongly resembles a Jack Russell Terrier, except that a Crup has a forked tail. They are clearly wizard-bred dogs since they are extremely loyal to wizards, and ferocious toward Muggles. They will eat almost anything.
Crup owners are required by law to remove the tail of the animal when it is six to eight weeks old, using a painless Severing Charm, in case they are noticed by Muggles. A licence from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures must also be obtained, and the owner must pass a test to show that they are able to control the animal in Muggle-inhabited areas.


Physiology and life cycle 

Unicorn foals are pure gold, and turn silver when they are about two years old. They grow their horn at around four. At about seven years old, they are fully grown and turn a shade of white that is so bright it makes snow look grey in comparison. Their hooves are golden, and their blood is silver-blue in colour and shines under the moonlight. 


Unicorns inhabit the forests of Europe including the Forbidden Forest by Hogwarts.


Various parts of the Unicorn - the horn and tail hair in particular - are used in potions and for the cores of wands, respectively. Also, the tail and mane hair and the horn can be used in various potions, as Harry tells Firenze after seeing Voldemort drink the unicorn blood in the Forbidden Forest. The tail hair can also be used as binding in bandages due to its incredible strength.
The unicorn's single straight horn is used, in runic, to symbolise the number one.

Lesson One Homework: Write an essay on one paragraph about "What if you owned a crup?".

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